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Welcome to Quantiki, the world's leading portal for everyone involved in quantum information science. No matter if you are a researcher, a student or an enthusiast of quantum theory, this is the place you are going to find useful and enjoyable! While here on Quantiki you can: browse our content, including fascinating and educative articles, then create your own account and log in to gain more editorial possibilities.
Add new content, such as information about upcoming quantum events, open positions for quantum scientists and existing quantum research groups. We are also distributing news via X (Twitter) feed, Bluesky news feed, and LinkedIn profile. We encourage you to follow us on social media to get the recent news from quantum infromation community.
We are actively seeking an exceptional applicant (Australian
domestic applicants only) for a PhD scholarship at Macquarie
University, in the group of Professor Gavin Brennen at the Macquarie
Centre for Quantum Engineering. Participate in an industry-engaged
research project and undertake a six-month industry placement at BTQ
Submitted by
mperarnau on Wed, 05/03/2025 - 11:25.
Application deadline:
Wednesday, April 30, 2025
Two PhD positions offered within the ATRAE Project: “Taming
Dissipation in Open Quantum Systems: Applications in Information
Processing”, led by Martí Perarnau-Llobet. The project lies at the
interface of quantum stochastic thermodynamics, open quantum systems,
and quantum information.
Submitted by
PeterPOrth on Wed, 05/03/2025 - 08:45.
We have a PhD opening for a motivated student with a
Master’s Degree in Physics, Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information
Science to join the **Quantum Information and Matter Group headed by
Prof. Peter P. Orth at Saarland University, which offers a unique
interdisciplinary research environment in quantum information science
with groups in computer science, mathematics and physics. The successful
applicant will conduct research at the interface of quantum information
science and condensed matter theory. Specific research directions
include quantum algorithms for the simulation of quantum materials and
many-body systems. A focus lies on the implementation of these
algorithms on current noisy intermediate-scale and near-term early
fault-tolerant quantum hardware including the development and use of
quantum error mitigation and quantum error correction methods.
Are you interested in contributing to quantum open-source projects
while getting paid over the summer?
toqito, a quantum information toolkit, is participating in Google
Summer of Code (GSoC) 2025 through numFOCUS. You can find a list of
potential ideas along with the required skills in the project wiki.
We are actively seeking exceptional applicants for a postdoctoral
position in the Ultrafast Quantum Photonics (UQP) group in Ottawa. The
successful candidate will join a vibrant team of postdoctoral
researchers, students, and staff scientists working in state-of-the-art
laboratories at the National Research Council (NRC) and the University
of Ottawa.
Submitted by
JMiszczak on Mon, 03/03/2025 - 18:30.
Sunday, July 13, 2025 to Tuesday, July 15, 2025
We have the pleasure of announcing the 56th Symposium on Mathematical
Physics to be held at the Institute of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus
University in Toruń, on 13-15 June 2025. Please, consult our web page
https://smp.fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp56/ for the programme and registration
details. We hope that you will find time and interest to join us for the
Submitted by
simon_milz on Mon, 03/03/2025 - 14:38.
Submitted by
fpezzoli on Mon, 03/03/2025 - 10:14.
Monday, July 28, 2025 to Friday, August 1, 2025
The MIRQ - International School on Mid-Infrared Technologies for
Quantum Sensing, will take place from July 28 to August 1, 2025, in
Como, Italy, as part of the Lake Como School for Advanced Studies
The school provides a unique opportunity to explore the latest
developments in mid-infrared quantum sensing. Participants will engage
in lectures and discussions led by leading experts in the field. The
program is designed for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers
working in quantum optics, photonics, and related disciplines.
Submitted by
pgora on Sun, 02/03/2025 - 19:14.
QPoland and Fundacja Quantum AI invite you to the 5th edition of the
Quantum Machine Learning Conference, an online-only event bringing
together leading experts in quantum computing and AI.
Submitted by
stewartcc on Sat, 01/03/2025 - 03:10.
The research group of Prof. Wenchao Ge
(https://sites.google.com/view/wenchaoge) in the Department of Physics
at the University of Rhode Island invites applications for a
Postdoctoral Research Associate position in theoretical quantum
information science and engineering (QISE). The successful candidate
will conduct theoretical research in hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
on near-term quantum devices supported by National Science Foundations
through the NSF ExpandQISE program
Topics of interest include but are not limited to, quantum entanglement
and spin squeezing, quantum approximate optimization algorithms, and
benchmarking protocols with different quantum platforms, such as neutral
atoms, trapped ions, and superconducting qubits. The successful
candidate will also collaborate with Prof. Ilya Safro at the University
of Delaware on designing, analyzing, and implementing quantum