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Add new content, such as information about upcoming quantum events, open positions for quantum scientists and existing quantum research groups. We are also distributing news via X (Twitter) feed, Bluesky news feed, and LinkedIn profile. We encourage you to follow us on social media to get the recent news from quantum infromation community.

Application deadline: 

Monday, July 1, 2024

The research groups of Profs. Thierry Bastin and John Martin are offering a new joint theoretical postdoctoral position in the field of quantum entanglement. The research project is encompassed in a large national effort aiming to prepare Belgium for the new era of quantum technologies via the Excellence Of Science (EOS) grant “Creating Highly Entangled Quantum States in the NISQ era” (CHEQS).

Application deadline: 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Research Associate positions in Quantum Nanophotonics and Metamaterials at the University of Naples "Federico II", Naples, ITALY with a 3-year contract and competitive compensation (Italian job title: "Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo A").

Qualifications and Skills
Education: A Ph.D. in Physics or Electrical Engineering is required.
Expertise: Proficiency in electrodynamics and quantum optics is essential


Application deadline: 

Friday, May 31, 2024

We invite applications for a (funded) doctoral position in the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the ‘Johannes Gutenberg’ University (JGU) of Mainz to work under the supervision of Prof. J. Marino in the NEUQUAM team (https://sites.google.com/view/nequantumuniv).

Application deadline: 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Research Assistant (Postdoc; m/f/d) in Quantum Technologies focusing on quantum compiling
(Salary Scale 13 TV-L, 100 %)

The „Quantum Valley Lower Saxony“ (QVLS-Q1) research consortium, a collaboration between TU Braunschweig, Leibniz University Hannover and PTB, aims at realizing a 50-qubit quantum computer based on trapped ions.

Application deadline: 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Title: Postdoctoral Fellowships in quantum computing/information at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)


Monday, October 7, 2024 to Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Registration deadline: 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Quantum Information is a rapidly developing field, attracting a large number of researchers, and leading to exciting fundamental discoveries and practical applications. The main aim of the Quantum Information Days (QID2024) workshop is to bring together young researchers working on widely understood quantum information sciences and related fields. We hope to inspire vivid scientific discussions and foster new collaborations. Young researchers will have the possibility of presenting their recent results in the form of a talk (approx.

Application deadline: 

Monday, May 6, 2024

The University of Exeter (Exeter, South West England) is offering up to 9 fully funded doctoral studentships for September 2024 entry as part of our Doctoral Training Partnership with the EPSRC (Engineering, Physical Sciences Reserach Council).

One such project is "Energy storage at the nanoscale in quantum batteries", a theoretical project in quantum technologies in the group of Dr. Charles Downing ar Exeter. We welcome people interested in open quantum systems and quantum optics to apply.

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Topic: Exploiting High-Dimensional Entanglement for Quantum Networking (P5)
In the Quantum Communication Systems group led by Dr. Tobias Heindel, this project aims at the exploitation of high-dimensional entanglement from solid-state quantum light sources for applications in quantum networking. You will work on quantum optics in the solid-state using semiconductor quantum dot devices and the implementation of suitable quantum communication protocols.

Application deadline: 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Join our enthusiastic team and work with us in the framework of the BMBF joint project "QuNET+ICLink". Using cutting-edge equipment, you will work on the implementation of quantum communication protocols using quantum dot single photon sources at 1550 nm in laboratory- and field-experiments. Within the project we will develop a mobile QKD system to be implemented in a 75 km long inter-city link of deployed optical fiber. The project is a close cooperation with the research groups at the University of Würzburg and the Fraunhofer IOF in Jena.

Application deadline: 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Postdoc position in theoretical quantum information science is available at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, in Warsaw, Poland. Successful candidate will work in the team of Prof Alexander Streltsov on one of the following topics:
- Quantum resource theories
- Quantum communication and quantum computation
- Open quantum systems


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