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Announcement for a faculty position (RTD-A) at the University of Padova - DEI.
The candidate shall operate within the QuantumFuture Research Group on mainly experimental topics in Quantum Optics and Information, with a focus on Quantum Communications in Space and ground links, Quantum random number generators and the fundaments of Quantum Physics.
Call link: https://www.unipd.it/procedura-2020RUA01 - DEI

A joint project of University College Cork and Trinity College Dublin on Shortcut-Enhanced Quantum Thermodynamics will be funded by SFI in the Frontiers for the Future programme. Therefore, there will be two PhD positions available starting in September/October 2020:

- in the research group of Andreas Ruschhaupt (UCC, Cork)

QWebinar: My personal quantum software story: QuTiP and Unitary Fund by Nathan ShammahWe invite you to the next QWorld seminar. In this talk, Nathan Shammah will speak about open source in science and specifically in quantum science. He will talk about his personal account that brought him from being a user of scientific software packages to a developer and maintainer (QuTiP). He will talk about Unitary Fund, a non-profit organization where he helps support the quantum-tech open source ecosystem and develop software for research on error mitigation with an extraordinary technical team. See the registration details below.

Applications are invited for a two-year postdoctoral position at QICI Quantum Information and Computation Initiative of the Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong. The start date is flexible.

Technische Universität Darmstadt invites applications for a

Full Professorship (W3)
Hybrid Quantum Systems

at the Department of Physics in the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics.


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