Advertisement for faculty positions at CQuERE, TCG CREST, Kolkata (India)

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TCG CREST – The Chatterjee Group Centres for Research and Education in Science and Technology – aspires to be a world-leading research institute in the area of science and technology. The objectives of TCG CREST are to conduct fundamental and translational research at the frontiers of both science and technology, and also to impart high quality education to PhD scholars. The Centre for Quantum Engineering, Research and Education (CQuERE) is one of the centres at TCG CREST dedicated to performing cutting edge research and high-quality education at the PhD level in the emerging field of quantum engineering, and thereby train future researchers for academia as well as industry, keeping in mind the pressing need to foster strong national and international collaborations between the two domains.  The areas of research currently being pursued at CQuERE are quantum computation theory including quantum algorithms and quantum machine learning, experimental quantum computing using superconducting qubits, photonic integrated circuits for sensing and quantum sensing using cold atoms.

CQuERE seeks to appoint faculty members at all levels – Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor in the areas of quantum computing, quantum machine learning, quantum information and quantum communication (theory activities). Further details can be found in the link below: