assistant professor (adjunkt) - research staff

Application deadline: 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Job type: 


Offer No.: 4358

Institution: Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics

City: Toruń

Position: assistant professor (adjunkt) - research staff

Discipline: The Field of Exact and Natural Sciences - Physical Sciences

Posted: 2023-06-02

Expires: 2023-08-21

Keywords: optical spectroscopy, atomic/molecular physics, experience with ultrastable cavities, molecular spectroscopy, ultracold atoms, photoassociation, fundamental interactions

Description (field, expectations, comments): The competition is open to persons who meet the conditions set out in Article 113 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668) and the following qualification criteria:
- a doctorate in physics or a closely related field obtained no earlier than 2016 or statement about planned finalization of doctorate in the case of a person who has not yet obtained the diploma (it’s required to receive a PhD degree before starting the work)
- A record of publications in optical frequency standards, optical spectroscopy, cold atoms or experimental atomic physics topics,
- Experimental work with ultracold atoms, in particular Hg, construction of high-resolution laser systems, construction of high vacuum systems for atom trapping and cooling, the analysis of experimental data affected by ultra-cold collisions. The description of hadron interactions beyond Standard Model and ultra-cold atomic collisions including optical Feshbach resonances. The construction of experimental setup for two-color photoassociation of ultracold Hg atoms and the optical molecular clock. Participation in collecting - experimental spectra and their analysis and interpretation.

- combination of skills related to Hz-level optical spectroscopy,
- experience with ultrastable cavities, experience in trapping and cooling with the use of UV lasers, and frequency transfer with an optical frequency comb,

We offer:
- The maximum period of contract agreement: 36 months
- Salary: gross salary  from 8 000 PLN /month to 12 500 PLN /month depending on qualifications
- Opportunity to work in interdisciplinary research department with strong support from astronomy and physics groups within the department,
- Collaboration with the best research groups in the world in the field of dark matter detection with optical atomic clocks
- International collaboration
- Very good salary (corresponding to 1.5 full professor position in Poland)
- International internships and the possibility to present research results at international conferences.

Research position in a grant funded by the National Science Center under the competition Opus-21 led by prof. dr. hab. Roman Ciuryło.

Required documents:

Personal questionnaire for the person applying for employment (download here)
Professional curriculum vitae
Copy of higher education diploma
List of publications (including the publishing house/journal, year of publication, and page number)
Declaration of consent to the processing of personal data contained in the job offer for the needs of the recruitment process, in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of The Council od 27 April 2016 (L119/1) (download here)
Declaration under art. 113 ust. 1 ustawy Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym (o niekaralności) (Art. Paragraph 113 (1) of the Higher Education Act (of no criminal record)) (download here)
Declaration that Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń will be my primary employer once I have won the contest (download here)
At least one (max three) reference letter(s)
Cover letter addressed to Professor Andrzej Sokala, Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University
Copy of doctorate certificate or statement about planned finalization of PhD (it’s required to receive a PhD degree before starting the work)

Additional information: Please submit the aforementioned documents to with annotation "Hg2Fundamental 6" in the subject field. Application deadline: 21.08.2023. The applicants will be contacted for interview to schedule time. The university does not provide accommodation. NCU declares the right not to choose any candidate.

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