Assistant Professor in Quantum Information Science

Application deadline: 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Job type: 


Tenure Track Position
Theoretical Quantum Information Science
University of New Mexico

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of New Mexico invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin August 1, 2018. The successful applicant will be engaged in building a strong research group in theoretical quantum information science that enhances the interdisciplinary activities of the Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC) and strengthens the Physics and Astronomy degree programs. CQuIC administers a National Science Foundation Focused Research Hub in Theoretical Physics (FRHTP), providing excellent opportunities for collaborations with CQuIC faculty, its partner institutions, and postdoctoral researchers. Preference will be given to candidates who possess a strong publication record, show promise of scholarship, have breadth of research experience, and demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching at both the graduate and the undergraduate levels, including the supervision of diverse student researchers.

Minimum Qualifications:
• Doctorate in physics or a related field by date of appointment (August 1, 2018)

Preferred Qualifications:
• Ability to teach effectively at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels
• Ability to develop a strong research program in theoretical quantum information science
• Strong publication record in peer-reviewed journals
• Commitment to mentor and supervise diverse student researchers at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels
• Ability to obtain extramural funding to support research and teaching
• Ability to enhance the activities of the Center for Quantum Information and Control
• Commitment to contribute to the shared responsibilities of the faculty of the Department of Physics and Astronomy
• A demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and student success, as well as working with broadly diverse communities

Applicants must submit an application through UNM Jobs at (posting number 2257). A complete application consists of a CV, cover letter, research statement, statement of teaching philosophy, and a list of three professional references. Please instruct your references to submit their letters of support according to the special instructions included in the details of the posting at the above website.