CQIQC Postdoc Fellowship, University of Toronto

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Job type: 


The Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control at the University of Toronto invites applications from outstanding candidates for its Prize Post-Doctoral Fellowship. The program provides funding for the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to University of Toronto’s program in quantum science and technology.

Total Award: \$75,000 CAD per year, renewable annually for up to three years (\$50,000 provided by CQIQC; \$25,000 plus maintenance and support costs provided by supervisor).

Eligibility and Qualifications: Canadian citizens and permanent residents and foreign citizens are eligible to apply. Applicants must have fulfilled all degree requirements for a Doctoral degree before the start-date of their award. Candidates who received their Doctorates in the past four years are strongly encouraged (special consideration of career breaks due to family commitments, health issues, mandatory military service or other disruptions in your country of residence will be made: please include a justification if applicable). The award may only be held at the University of Toronto. Holders of current tenure-stream faculty positions or previous holders of the CQIQC Post-Doctoral Fellowship are not eligible to apply.

Only in special circumstances will the fellowship be awarded to an applicant from the University of Toronto who is planning to stay within the same research group where they completed their PhD degree: please include a justification if applicable.

Timeline for Applications: application deadline: 15th January 2020; Awards to be taken up by 31st December 2020.
Application Procedure: All materials to be submitted by email to cqiqc@physics.utoronto.ca
1. submit the following in .pdf format, with the email subject line ‘CQIQC Postdoc Application’:
- a full Curriculum Vitae, including all degrees and publications.
- a one-page research proposal (pages should be 8 ½" x 11"; single-spaced with no more than six lines of type per inch and with minimum ¾" margin; font should be 12pt Times New Roman).
- if applicable, a justification for special consideration (one page maximum), as mentioned in the eligibility requirements above.
2. Request a letter of support from one or more current CQIQC faculty member(s) (either Member or Affiliate), with an endorsement of your proposal and a commitment to supervise you and to provide the matching funds. “Bridging appointments” involving two or more research groups are particularly encouraged; in this case the letter of support must make clear the funding/supervision commitments of the different faculty members. The letter should be submitted by the faculty member to the above address, with “CQIQC Postdoc letter of support” in the subject line.
Full list of faculty here: https://cqiqc.physics.utoronto.ca/people/members.html
3. Request two letters of recommendation (not from your intended supervisor(s)) be sent to the above address with “CQIQC Postdoc letter of recommendation” in the subject line.