Experimental Quantum Optics

Application deadline: 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Job type: 


Experimental post-doctoral position in quantum sources
We are seeking to recruit a Postdoctoral Researcher to work on the development of new sources and applications of entangled photons. The research activities will be performed at the University of Glasgow, in the group led by Dr Matteo Clerici (Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics) and in collaboration with Profs Daniele Faccio and Robert Hadfield (Quantum Sensors).

The research will focus on the development and characterisation of entangled-photon sources at visible and infrared wavelengths, with state of the art femtosecond fibre-based lasers and superconductive single-photon detectors. The activities will be in collaboration with industrial partners, providing support for laser and nonlinear crystal developments.

Essential requirements

  • A PhD degree in Physics and a strong background in nonlinear and quantum optics
  • Hands-on experience in single photon detection using single-photon avalanche detectors and TCSPC electronics; generation of entangled photons via spontaneous parametric down conversion, Hong–Ou–Mandel measurements, optical entanglement characterisation
  • Ability to write and use codes for controlling lab instruments via, e.g., Matlab, Julia, Python, or LabView

Experience with imaging (classical/quantum) and with superconductive detectors will be valued.

The appointment will be for 1 year with the possibility of extension, pending on research funding. The salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply at https://www.gla.ac.uk/it/iframe/jobs/, searching for the vacancy reference 020017 (Polarisation Entangled Photon Emitter), or click directly at: http://www22.i-grasp.com/fe/tpl_glasgow01.asp?newms=jj&id=94335&newlang=1.

Direct all enquiries to matteo.clerici@glasgow.ac.uk or daniele.faccio@glasgow.ac.uk or robert.hadfield@glasgow.ac.uk

Closing date for the application: 21 January 2018.