Extreme nonlinear fiber optics and analogue of the event horizon

Application deadline: 

Friday, November 1, 2019

Job type: 

Join Weizmann Institute of Science as postdoc for up to four years for experiments probing the quantum physics of the event horizon and other exciting features of extreme nonlinear optics with few-cycle light pulses.


Further particulars

With funding from an ERC Advanced Grant we have built up a unique laboratory for non-linear fiber optics with near-single-cycle light pulses where extreme nonlinear effects occur. Recently we have just started to publish the first of our results on stimulated Hawking radiation [PRL 122, 010404 (2019)]. With further funding from ISF we are going to use our expertise and equipment in two directions: towards the demonstration of as much quantum physics of the event horizon as possible and the application of extreme nonlinear fiber optics for the tuning and control of few-cycle light pulses.

The Weizmann Institute is an attractive, multidisciplinary research institute in Rehovot near Tel Aviv. Nature recently ranked the Institute third in the world in an assessment based on journal article quality.

The candidate must have a Ph.D. or must be close to obtaining it. An essential is research experience in optical experiments, preferably in nonlinear optics.

The starting date is flexible.

For questions/ applications contact ulf.leonhardt AT weizmann.ac.il