Faculty Position in experimental Quantum optics, quantum cryptography, University Guanajuato, Mexico

Application deadline: 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Job type: 

The science and engineering division of the University of Guanajuato in Mexico invites applications for a tenure track position to begin in august 1st, 2019. We seek an experimental candidate in Quantum Optics, Quantum Cryptography.

The functions include teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level and conducting research. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in physics or engineering, show evidence of accomplishment in research, the potential to develop significant research programs involving students, and the willingness to work as a team member in a small group.

The appointment will be for one year, with possible renewal for a second year. The final decision regarding the tenure will be based upon professor’s record in teaching and researching over a maximum period of thirty months.

Candidates should send by july 20, 2019 a letter of application, curriculum vitae, list of publications, two reference letters, a statement of research interests as well as documents that proof his/her academic trajectory and accomplishments to:

e-mail: secrea@fisica.ugto.mx
Dr. Leonardo Alvarez Valtierra,
División de Ciencias e Ingenierías,
Universidad de Guanajuato,
Loma del Bosque 103,
Lomas del Campestre,
37150 León, Gto., México,
Tel. (52-477) 788-5100 ext. 8414, Fax (52-477) 788-5100 ext. 8410
