Faculty Positions (all levels) in Quantum Computer Science at U. Copenhagen

Application deadline: 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Job type: 


As part of new initiatives in the area of quantum computing, including an MSc program in quantum information science, we are looking to hire one or more researchers who can extend the Computer Science department’s profile in quantum computing (broadly conceived). The department is part of the University of Copenhagen Quantum Hub together with Department of Chemistry, Niels Bohr Institute, Department of Biology, and Department of Mathematical Sciences.

We welcome applicants whose primary field is quantum computation, as well as applicants whose primary field is in classical computation, but who have a strong publication record and research presence in quantum computing. We are especially looking for researchers working in the intersection between quantum computing and other fields such as algorithms, cryptography, machine learning, and programming languages and theory of computation. Ideally, the successful applicant(s) would, in addition to their research work, be able to teach courses in quantum algorithms and machine learning and/or quantum compilers.

For more information please see the call: https://candidate.hr-manager.net/ApplicationInit.aspx/?cid=1307&ProjectI...
Inquiries about the positions can be made to Head of Department, Professor Jakob Grue Simonsen (simonsen@di.ku.dk).

Application deadline: 2023-02-26