Open Post-Doc Position in Logics for Quantum Interaction (University of Groningen, Netherlands)

Application deadline: 

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Job type: 



Call for Applications:
A 2,5 year Post-Doc position is available in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence (ALICE), offered in collaboration with the department of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Groningen. The candidate will join the Vidi project of Dr. Sonja Smets.

VIDI Project: ‘Reasoning about quantum interaction: Logical modelling and verification of multi-agent quantum protocols’:

As for classical computing, logic is expected to play an essential role in the understanding of quantum computation and quantum information, and especially in the formal verification of quantum communication protocols. Such multi-agent applications involve quantum information flow and classical knowledge transfer (by classical communication) between the agents. So one of our aims in the proposed VIDI research project is to develop the logical tools for modelling complex situations where different types of informational dynamics (classical and quantum) are combined. Our goal is to develop and use a combined classical-quantum logic for the full specification and formal verification of agent-based quantum protocols for secure communication. Towards this goal, we propose to use formalisms based on modal logic, especially combinations of dynamic (or temporal) logics and epistemic (or ``spatial") logics.

The post-doc position on this project will extend the tools of the mentioned modal and epistemic logics with techniques from other logical formalisms, such as for instance probabilistic logic, linear logic and/or coalgebraic logic (or categorical logic, in general). In particular, the selected candidate will work on the development of the logical tools for the verification of quantum protocols where probabilities play an essential role. The main case-study in this part of the project is the formal verification of Quantum Key Distribution.

Qualifications: Candidates should have (or obtain before 1 September 2010) a PhD degree in any area connected to Logic, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, Mathematics or Physics. Fluent English is a prerequisite.

Job Profile: We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in Quantum Information Theory and either Probability Theory or/and Logic (especially in any of the areas such as Modal Logic, Epistemic Logic, Dynamic Logic, Linear Logic, Categorical Logic or Quantum Logic).

Appointment: The post-doc position is awarded for a period of 30 months. The gross monthly salary will range between € 2.379,- and € 3.755,- gross per month. The successful applicant will be working under daily supervision of Dr. S. Smets. The main focus of the appointment is on research, but can include moderate teaching duties in subjects relevant to the candidate's research activities. The preferred starting date is 1 September 2010.

How to apply: Send your application electronically to Dr. Sonja Smets at by 7 June 2010. Applications must contain :

- a Curriculum Vitae
- a Letter of Motivation (at most 2 page), explaining why you are interested in this position
- a copy of your most important research paper, which appeared or is submitted for publication to a scientific journal (can be co-authored).
- a short summary of your PhD thesis in maximum 2 pages
- the name and contact details (including email address) of two referees who can provide details about your profile (one of which should be the main supervisor of your PhD thesis).

For further information, please contact Dr. Sonja Smets at

We will start reviewing applications on 7 June 2010 and hope to make a decision soon after that, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.