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About the research group: The Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University is a leading research and education institution in physics, activities covering quantum technologies, high-energy physics, and mathematical physics. It is also the only institution in the region offering a full master’s program in Quantum Technologies. The research group Q3, led by Prof. Igor Jex, is an active and ambitious team with many international connections both in theory and experiments. It is a pioneering group in the study of quantum networks and its applications, such as the theory and implementation of quantum walks and the formulation of the Gaussian Boson Sampling problem.
The subject of the project: Mutually interconnected quantum systems attended by complex evolution constitute the basis of advanced quantum technologies. In this context, the collective dynamics arising from a system of identical quantum systems forming a network with local interactions provides a theoretical playground where the study of emerging complex phenomena remains tractable, and hence allows for a detailed analysis of the collective phenomena expected in real-world scenarios. The project focuses on exploring fundamental properties and applications of quantum dynamical network models, such as mutual synchronization of local evolutions, quantum transport and quantum simulations.
Tasks of the candidate: Theoretical studies of quantum dynamical networks including spin networks, quantum walks or other dynamical models using the tools of open quantum dynamics such as quantum Markov processes, graph theory and functional analysis, and seek applications in the context of quantum technologies and quantum simulations. Interact with other team members on related topics and take part in relevant international collaborations.
The ideal candidate is expected to have a strong background in quantum physics and expertise either in the theory of open quantum systems or quantum walks and related dynamical models.
Expected starting date: 1st October 2021(flexible)
Duration: one year (extendable)
Location: Prague