Post-doc position on "Dynamical Casimir and Casimir-Polder effect with Rydberg atoms" at the University of Palermo, Italy

Application deadline: 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Job type: 

Description of the research: The research concerns with the theoretical study of the dynamical Casimir and Casimir-Polder effect, in particular the possibility of detecting these effects using Rydberg atoms, which are characterized by high polarizabilities and appropriate transition frequencies. More specifically, we plan to study the dynamics and the excitation probability of Rydberg atoms with high principal quantum number (n>50) trapped near an oscillating plate, or a plate whose refractive index is periodically changed (dynamical mirror). The atoms in the excited level can then be detected through ionization, allowing experimental observation of the dynamical Casimir-Polder effect.

The position is for 18 months. Yearly gross salary: Euro 22.946,02

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