Application deadline:
Research group:
Employer web page:
Job type:
Quantum Theory group seeks a hghly motivated postdoctoral researcher in starting NCN grant.
Requirements: PhD in physics with degree awarded not earlier than 7 years before the moment of commencing the employment (maternity leaves, military service period, other documented breaks of career extend the limit), good knowledge of quantum mechanics, some knowledge/experience in many-body physics and/or condensed matter theory and/or cold atoms and/or tensor networks. Efficiency in computer programming (Python, C etc.) and good English language skills.
Job description: The succesful candidate will implement different analytic and numerical tools aiming to study phenomenon of many-body localization (or in a broader scope – nonergodic behavior) in models primarily based on cold-atom settings.
Krakow is a lively city offering different cultural attractions.
Deadline for applications: September 15, 2020, however, review of applications will begin immediately.
iSelection Committee (by separate announcement) may fill the position on the basis of applications at any time. Due to Covid-19 pandemia later applications may also be considered if the position is not filled.
The candidate should send his short motivation letter, CV with a list of publications and arrange for two recommendation letters to be send to
Conditions: Initial duration of 12 months which may be extended up to total of 4 years. Salary 150 000 polish zloties per annum (brutto) yielding about 8500 zloties per month after taxes on average. Costs of living in Poland are significantly lower than in “old Europe”. Payed holidays (36 working days per annum). Additional funds available for participation in top international conferences within Europe.