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The Quantum Algorithms Division at the Quantum Research Centre (QRC) of the
Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, is seeking highly
talented and motivated post-doctoral or senior researchers for its Quantum
Characterization team, led by Dr. Ingo Roth.
Quantum system characterization naturally draws upon a diverse range of fields and
methods, from information and learning theory, computer science, mathematical and
theoretical physics, to signal processing, applied numerics, software development,
hardware-efficient implementation, and experimental phenomenology. We are looking
for candidates with expertise in any one of those fields and willingness to collaborate on
both theoretical foundations and practical implementations of quantum characterization
protocols and related topics. Potential research topics include:
• Learning theory for noise characterization of quantum devices
• Recovery guarantees for tensor networks (TNs)
• Theory of random quantum circuits
• Effective noise models for NISQ computing
• Rigorous structure assumptions for error mitigation
• Benchmarking of quantum analog simulators
• Error correction for early fault-tolerant quantum computing
• TN methods and machine learning for scalable quantum device characterization
• Hardware-efficient implementation of characterization methods for calibration
• Characterization of open-system dynamics and time-correlated, non-Markovian
The Quantum Characterization team is part of Quantum Algorithms Division, directed by
Dr. Leandro Aolita. QRC ( offers an ideal environment for
research on quantum device characterization, bringing together world-class specialists
on quantum information, theoretical device physics, quantum middleware and
superconducting qubit experiments in a vibrant and well-funded emerging ecosystem. In
addition, an expansion of QRC’s experimental portfolio to trapped-ion platforms is
underway. Multiple collaborations with world-leading quantum hardware providers and
academic labs expand the expertise and access to state-of-the-art experiments.
TII is a newly-established, well-funded state initiative aiming to become a major
international and diverse hub for R&D in Science & Technology (
The appointment will initially be for 3 years. Further extensions are possible upon
mutual interest. Salaries are significantly above the average levels in the USA or
Europe. Additionally, we offer substantial personal and family allowances as well as
relocation support. Travel and equipment funds are abundant.
Applications should be sent directly to and should consist of a
curriculum vitae, a brief letter of motivation (max. 1 page), a short statement of research
interests and experience (max. 2 pages) and a list of publications. At least two names
with email addresses should be provided that are willing to provide recommendation
letters upon request.
Deadline: Review of the applications will begin on August 19 2024 and will continue
until the position is filled. The starting date is flexible and can be any time within the
year 2024.