Post-doctoral position at the Quantum Information Group of the University of Barcelona (Spain)

Application deadline: 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Job type: 

DESCRIPTION: Post-doctoral position at the Quantum Information Group of the University of Barcelona (Spain).

FIELD: The successful candidate is expected to have obtained a Ph.D. in Quantum Computation, quantum many-body physics or in the study of cold atomic systems. On top of this basic requirement, programming skills, deep knowledge of quantum field theory or a strong background in mathematics is certainly a plus.

RESEARCH GROUP: Our group, led by J.I. Latorre, is made of one Faculty professor, one tenure track professor, two-post-docs and three PhD students. Our research activity whirls about the following topics: Topologically ordered systems, critical phenomena, fault-tolerant quantum computation, numerical simulation of many-body quantum systems, cold atomic systems trapped in optical lattices.

STARTING DATE: 1 September 2011 or some later time to be agreed upon.

DURATION: Two years.

SALARY: Approximately 25 000 euros/year (gross).


Contact: Dr Sofyan Iblisdir: iblisdir AT ecm DOT ub DOT es