Postdoc on photonic quantum fluids

Application deadline: 

Monday, July 15, 2019

Research group: 

Job type: 

A two-year postdoc position is opened in the group of Prof. Alberto Bramati at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel - Sorbonne Université, Paris, France. The postdoc is funded by the European Project « Photons for Quantum Simulation » (PhoQuS), which has been selected in the framework of the prestigious Quantum Flagship. The PhoQuS project aims to understand and control the physics of advanced photonic quantum fluids. The European consortium includes several experimental and theoretical groups.
The recruited postdoc will be a highly dynamic, creative and motivated researcher to join an internationally-renown team addressing highly ambitious research tasks.

All candidates are required to have:
• Excellent organizational and time-management skills;
• Ability to communicate results clearly and succinctly;
• Ability to both work as a team member and to work independently;
• Excellent level of English, both written and spoken;
• Candidates for postdoctoral positions should have a recently obtained PhD diploma and a significant track record of publications. Also candidates planning to submit their PhD thesis in the following months will be considered.

The recruited postdoctoral researcher should be able to:
• Carry out experimental research on non-equilibrium exciton-polariton fluids
• Perform experiments using advanced optical set-ups (CW and pulsed lasers, CCD and SLM, imaging techniques)
• Actively participate in research meetings with the other group members
• Interact with other groups in the consortium (both experimental and theoretical ones)
• Take part in the research meetings, seminars, etc.
• Assist in the supervision of PhD students.

Time frame and location:
Postdoctoral position is funded for 2 years.
The place of work will be the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (UMR CNRS 8552) in Paris, France.

Application modalities:
Candidates are requested to send the following documents to Prof. Alberto Bramati ( ):
• Detailed CV (pdf)
• Motivation letter (pdf)
Moreover, candidates are kindly requested to ask at least two reference researchers to send recommendation letters directly to Prof. Alberto Bramati via email.