Postdoc position in quantum and stochastic thermodynamics at IFISC, Mallorca, Spain.

Application deadline: 

Friday, March 10, 2023

Research group: 

Job type: 

Postdoctoral position (1 + 1) years to work in quantum and stochastic thermodynamics with Gonzalo Manzano at the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems, IFISC (UIB-CSIC), Mallorca, Spain.

I am seeking for a highly motivated researcher with previous experience in the fields and techniques of quantum and/or stochastic thermodynamics and open quantum systems: quantum trajectories for monitored quantum systems, collisional models, quantum master equations, full counting statistics, resource theories, stochastic processes ... but other expertises that fit would be also positively evaluated.

Research topics include: Martingale theory for stochastic and quantum thermodynamics, thermodynamics of information and gambling, entropy production estimation, fluctuation relations, open quantum systems under continuous monitoring, non-abelian thermodynamics, thermosqueezing effects, quantum thermal machines and quantum clocks, as well as multidisciplinary applications of non-equilibrium thermodynamics.

The candidate is expected to have a good degree of initiative and would be able to interact with other postdocs and Phd students at IFISC, both working in quantum physics or in other topics, benefiting from the multidisciplinary character of our institute.

Starting date: Spring -- Fall 2023.

For more details please contact me at gonzalo.manzano [at] with a cover letter with a brief description of research interest, CV with a list of publications, and the contact information of two references.