Postdoc position on Quantum Information with interface with Condensed Matter, Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics in Niterói, RJ-Brazil

Application deadline: 

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Job type: 

There is a postdoc fellowship to work with Prof. Thiago R. de Oliveira (( in the areas listed below. The fellowship is for one year, renewable for more two and will be paid through a project with the US Air Force. The monthly net salary will be from R$5.000,00 ** negotiable depending on the candidate experience

You will be able to interact and collaborate with other members of the Quantum Information Group at Universidade Federal Fluminense (, in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. You should have obtained you Phd in the last 5 years. The group is part of the National Instituto of Science and Technology of Quantum Information (

• Interface between Quantum Information and Condensed Matter: study quantum correlation and its applications in condensed matter systems
• Foundations of Statistial Physics and Quantum Mechanics: study the equilibration and thermalization process on isolated quantum systems. New techniques to justify and simulate ensembles through typicality arguments. Quantum thermal machines

Candidates should send a CV with the list of publications and a brief description of research interests to Feel free to drop me an e-mail with any question.

** To have an idea, the value paid by the national agencies are R4.100,00(posdoc)andR2.200,00 (PhD).