PostDoc position in Quantum Information Theory, The University of Hong Kong

Application deadline: 

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Research group: 

Job type: 

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the areas of quantum foundations and quantum cryptography at QICI Quantum Information and Computation Initiative of the Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong.

The successful applicant will work in the research group led by Ravi Ramanathan with a focus on developing new tools and protocols in a device- and semi-device-independent setting. The successful applicant will also have the opportunity to interact with the group led by Prof. Giulio Chiribella at QICI, and with theoretical and experimental collaborators from leading research groups overseas. Applicants must have a doctoral degree in Physics, Computer Science, or Mathematics before the start date of the position and have a proven record of research in the areas of quantum information science or quantum foundations. Expertise in quantum correlations, convex optimisation or quantum optics is welcome.

Applications should be sent to and should include: 1) a CV including a list of publications; 2) a research statement; 3) reference letters by two referees sent directly by the referees.

The position is for a year to begin with, and extensions may be possible. The application deadline is 30 July, 2022 or until the position is filled.