PostDoc position Study of magic and magic-zero wavelength in optical lattice clocks with blue-detuned lattice

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Research group: 

Job type: 

We are looking for a co-investigator in a project “Study of magic and magic-zero wavelength in optical lattice clocks with blue-detuned lattice”. The person employed within the project will participate in the measurement of the blue magic wavelength around 389.9 nm for the 88Sr isotope, the measurement of the absolute photoionization cross sections of the states in strontium, in particular of the 1P1 and 3S1 states, that are used in the actual atomic clock experiment by the blue magic wavelength photons, and the spectroscopy of the magic-zero wavelengths for the strontium excited 5s5p3P0 clock state. More information on and pages.