Postdoc position on TI-SC hybrid devices with the goal of building a Majorana qubit

Application deadline: 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Job type: 


Quantiki advertisement

The group of Prof. Yoichi Ando in the Physics Institute II of the University of Cologne is trying to elucidate the non-Abelian nature of the Majorana zero modes generated in a topological insulator (TI) platform and to build a Majorana qubit. The successful candidate will work on TI-superconductor hybrid devices to understand the mesoscopic topological superconductivity realized in such a platform, to detect and manipulate the emergent Majorana zero modes, and to read out the results of manipulation via charge-parity measurements.

Tasks of the position:
- Nanofabrication of nanostructured hybrid devices combining superconductor and TI with gates
- Ultra-low-temperature experiments to understand the proximity-induced mesoscopic superconductivity in such devices
- Developments of fast charge-parity readout technology using microwaves for such devices

PhD degree in experimental solid-state physics or nanoscience, plus hands-on experience in a subset (at least 3) of the following:
- Nanofabrication of devices using electron-beam lithography
- Ultra-low-noise transport measurements
- Ultra-low-temperature experiments in a dilution refrigerator
- Time-domain microwave measurements
- Circuit-QED experiments
- Experiments on TI-superconductor hybrid devices
- Quantum transport experiments in mesoscopic systems such as quantum wires, quantum dots, or quantum Hall systems

The position is initially guaranteed for 2 years starting from 01.10.2024, and depending on the individuals, an extension of the employment up to 6 years is possible. The position is paid according to the German law for university positions. The University of Cologne promotes equal opportunities and diversity in its employment relations. Women are expressly encouraged to apply and given priority. Severely disabled applicants of equal merit and qualifications will be given priority.

Please send your application to:
Prof. Yoichi Ando
University of Cologne, Physics Institute II, Zuelpicher Str. 77, 50937 Cologne
phone: +49 (0) 0221 470 3570