Postdoc position at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Job type: 


A 2-year postdoctoral position in Quantum Information Science is opening in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia in Spring 2011, in the group of Dr. Robert Raussendorf. Possible areas of research include - but are not restricted to - models of quantum computation, quantum error-correction and quantum algorithms.

This position has a focus on the mathematics of quantum information. It is in part sponsored by the Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS). The successful candidate will be member of the Collaborative Research Group on the Mathematics of Quantum Information of PIMS which has nodes at the University of Calgary, Simon Fraser University, and the Universities of Washington and British Columbia.

Applicants must hold a PhD - or be about to obtain one - in physics, mathematics or computer science. A strong research track record is required.

The following information should be provided with the application:

* CV,
* Statement of research interests,
* List of publications,
* Two representative publications.

Applicants should

* Arrange for three letters of recommendation.

Applications may be sent via email to raussen[at]phas[dot]ubc[dot]ca, or
via postal mail to:

Dr. Robert Raussendorf
University of British Columbia
Department of Physics and Astronomy
6224 Agricultural Rd.
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada.

Electronic submission is preferred. The application deadline is November 24, 2010.