Postdoc/Research Associate in Quantum Metrology

Application deadline: 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Research group: 

Job type: 

In the Theory of Cold Atoms group of Prof. Uwe R. Fischer at Seoul National University,
a Postdoc position is open in the field of quantum metrology, broadly defined.
We are seeking candidates with an established high level profile and
a sizable track record in quantum metrology.
The initial appointment, which is as soon as possible, is for one year with a possible extension to three
years in total, depending on performance.

Possible applications include, but are not limited to, ultracold quantum gases and ion traps or hybrid systems eg containing superconducting devices.
Topics include, but are not limited to, numerically self-consistent many-body metrology, quantum metrology with exact solutions, quantum metrology at phase transitions, and relativistic quantum metrology.

The salary is highly negotiable, in the range between 5-25 Million Korean Won per month, corresponding to 3500-17500 EUR per month, depending on the applicants' previous position. Therefore, also candidates at a later stage of their career are encouraged to apply.