Postdoc in Quantum Optimization/Quantum Categorical Mechanics

Application deadline: 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Job type: 

In the context of the NEASQC project, a 18 months postdoc position is available at Loria in quantum computing.

The NEASQC project aims at developing practical use cases for the NISQ (Noise Intermediate-Scale Quantum) devices that will be available in the near future.

The Mocqua team at Loria and Inria Nancy Grand Est is involved in this project though quantum optimization algorithms (typically QAOA) for smart
charging, involving diagrammatical methods to optimize circuits.

The subjects we intend to develop with the postdoc candidate include in particular diagrammatic languages for Ising Hamiltonians or the use of quantum optimization algorithms (QAOA) inside classical optimizations toolchains.

We are seeking candidates with a strong background in quantum computing, and some knowledge of either diagrammatic reasoning (for instance ZX-Calculus) or quantum optimization algorithms (QAOA).

The date of the beginning of the contract is flexible but should start no later than march 2023.
December 2022 is the final date for applications, but candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible

To apply to the position or for any information, please contact Emmanuel Jeandel (, responsible for Loria of the NEASQC project, or Simon Perdrix (, head of the Mocqua Team.