PostDoc in Relativistic Quantum Information

Application deadline: 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Job type: 

Applications are invited for a 2-3 years long postdoctoral position to work with Dr. Andrzej Dragan on the interdisciplinary field of relativistic quantum information. The research is aiming at exploiting relativity to improve quantum information tasks and studying quantum information protocols in the presence of gravity. Candidates must be motivated, confident and creative. They must have a PhD in physics and experience with quantum theory and relativity. Knowledge of quantum information and quantum optics is also desirable. Preference will be given to candidates already experienced with relativistic quantum information, however applicants working outside of this field are also very welcome.

A successful candidate will be hired at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw as an assistant professor for the period of up to 3 years.

Electronic only applications and enquiries should be submitted to the following email address: not later than on the 15th of September 2014. Short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview in person or interviewed via Skype. The full application should contain:

1) a copy of PhD diploma,

2) a CV,

3) a list of publications,

4) description of candidateʼs experience in the field of quantum physics and relativity,

5) at least one letter of reference which may be sent separately.