Postdoctoral Fellow position in QuSys Group (Group Leader: Goold) (Trinity College Dublin): Thermodynamics of complex quantum systems

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Job type: 


There is an opening for a postdoctoral fellow to work at the QuSys Group at Trinity College Dublin starting around October 2020 with some flexibility in the precise date. The QuSys group is a young, dynamic and international group lead by Prof. John Goold. The groups interests are diverse ranging from thermodynamics of quantum systems and quantum transport in non equilibrium steady states (NESS) to quantum information and many-body physics. The position is initially for 2 years and can be extended further. The salary and further particulars can be discussed in an arranged online meeting. There is a certain flexibility in the project and candidates with prior experience in any of the following topics would be interesting for us: Quantum transport, thermodynamics of NESS, numerical simulations of spin chains, thermalisation of quantum systems and non equilibrium statistical mechanics.

If you think you would be interested in coming to Trinity College Dublin to work us please get in touch with John at

Our group is a well gender balanced group and female candidates are particularly welcome to apply.