Postdoctoral fellowship in fault-tolerant quantum computing (CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France)

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Job type: 


A significant effort is currently being deployed by CEA-LETI and its partners, aimed at providing a layout and integration scheme for CMOS-based silicon qubits in view of a large-scale integration. In this context, a 2-year postdoctoral position is currently available in quantum error correction protocols, with applications to fault-tolerant quantum computing. The successful candidate will demonstrate the capacity for high-quality research and relevant experience in quantum information theory and quantum error correction. The work will be done in collaboration with Valentin Savin (CEA-LETI, Grenoble) and Mehdi Mhalla (LIG/UGA, Grenoble).
Applications must be sent to both Valentin Savin ( and Mehdi Mhalla (, including a detailed CV, the name of two referees, and a short research project (1-2 pages). Only complete applications will be considered.