Postdoctoral fellowship on QML superconducting qubit theory, in supercomputing hub of Germany

Application deadline: 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Research group: 

Job type: 


Project: The project aims to advance the theory of superconducting processors for accurate modelling. A special focus will be on finding and characterizing the Hamiltonian of a large processor using numerical analysis. This project is part of my commitment to the European Research funding for making 100+ qubits, called OpenSuperQPlus ( )

Application deadline: Nov 30th, 2023
Research group:

* Description: The research group of Mohammad Ansari at Peter grúnberg Institute PGI-2 (theoretical nano electronics) @ Research Center Jülich, Germany, invites applications for a postdoctoral and PhD position in superconducting processors with machine learning.

* Profile: A strong drive for original research and self-initiative are important keys to helping run the project, as a collaborative nature. The work will involve substantial use of numerical and analytical techniques developed in our group. This project thus seeks an applicant with a solid background and experience in machine learning and quantum computing.

* Team and environment: This position is based in Jülich, Germany and frequent visits to the experimental team in Sweden and the Netherlands. Currently, in the team, there are 5 Ph.D., and postdocs active on similar topics. Forschungszentrum Jülich is a comprehensive research-intensive centre with a strong international standing and ties with more than 7000 employees. More information can be found at

* Prerequisites: Ph.D. degree in theoretical physics/Electrical Engineering for applying to the postdoc position, and fluency in English. Ability to communicate results clearly and concisely, directly with colleagues, as well as with outside collaborators and at conferences.

* Position: The postdoc position will be fully funded for 2-4 years, depending on performance.

* ONE PDF file is needed that includes the followings:
(1) Letter describing the applicant and research interests (Max 300 words),
(2) CV,
(3) Publication and Preprint list,
(4) Contact information for at least 3 references,
(5) Copies of relevant degrees,

Please direct all queries regarding this advertisement, as well as the application package, in the form of a single PDF to

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.