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The quantum optics laboratory at the Department of Physics at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is searching for highly dedicated and motivated postdocs to join the young and dynamic research group
We are conducting experiments in the fields of quantum plasmonics, Nitrogen Vancancy centers in diamond, optical quantum information processing with continuous variables and quantum sensing in integrated optical circuits. To strengthen these activities, we are searching candidates with a very strong dedication to pursue a research career in experimental quantum optics and quantum information processing. DTU provides a stimulating interdisciplinary research environment and an eminent research infrastructure. E.g. some of the best facilities in Europe for nano-fabrication and characterization (CEN and DANCHIP ) are located at DTU.
A particular focus on one of the positions will be the generation of non-classical and optical quantum states in parametric processes combined with giant measurement induced non-linearities. These states will used for quantum information processing and for fundamental tests of quantum mechanics such as the violation of Bell’s inequality.
The focus on the other position will be the controlled strong coupling between a single Nitrogen-Vacancy centre in a nano-crystal diamond and a silver nano-wire. Such a coupling will enable progress in the generation of single photons on demand and the development of a scalable quantum computer.
The positions are available immediately, but they are flexible depending on the situation of the applicant. Consideration of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.
To apply please send your application consisting of your CV, a list of publications, statement of research interests, a short description of your background and skills and the names of three references to in a single pdf file.