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We are offering a 1-2 year postdoctoral position to a highly motivated and well-qualified researcher in the area of quantum information science and the foundations of quantum theory, to start on 1/10/2016.
The researcher will work with Dr Jonathan Barrett in the Quantum Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, and with Prof. Stefano Pironio, Laboratoire d'Information Quantique, Université Libre de Bruxelles. The project is a two-year collaborative project between the University of Oxford and Université Libre de Bruxelles, funded by La Fondation Philippe Wiener - Maurice Anspach. The successful candidate will be awarded an initial contract for 12 months to work at the University of Oxford. Depending on the candidate, there is also the possibility of funding for a subsequent 12 months, to work at l’Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Research description
The title of the project is "Causality in quantum theory: foundations and applications". The purpose is to investigate causality in quantum theory, both from a foundational perspective and with applications to quantum information processing. We aim to develop a general theory of quantum causal networks and apply it to novel protocols for device-independent quantum communication and cryptography.
Candidate Profile
The primary selection criteria are as follows. Applicants must already have a doctoral degree in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, or a related discipline. Applicants should also have a proven record of research, including strong publications, in at least one of the areas of quantum foundations or quantum information science. Excellent scientific writing ability, good communication skills, and willingness to undertake frequent collaborative visits between Oxford and Brussels are essential.
For full details, including how to apply, see
The deadline for applications is noon, 24th August 2016.
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