Application deadline:
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Job type:
ROYAL HOLLOWAY, University of London
Post-doctoral Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics
Salary for the post is £32,106 per annum inclusive of London Allowance.
The Department of Mathematics is seeking to recruit a post-doctoral research assistant to work with Dr Jonathan Barrett in the areas of Quantum Information Theory, and Foundations of Quantum Theory. The position is available from the 1st September 2011 and will run for two years.
The position is funded by the ERA-Net CHIST-ERA project Device-independent quantum information processing, and by the FQXI project Time and the structure of quantum theory. The research assistant will work alongside Dr Barrett on both projects simultaneously. The first will investigate the theory of quantum information processing using unknown or untrustworthy devices. The aim is to develop protocols for quantum cryptography, randomness generation, and other tasks, and to investigate the fundamental resource of quantum nonlocality. The second project will develop a better understanding of the role time plays in the formalism of quantum theory, and whether physical principles involving time can help to characterize the kinds of information processing that are physically possible.
Applicants should have a BSc or MSc in a relevant discipline and already completed, or be close to completing, a PhD in a relevant discipline. Applicants should have an outstanding research track record in at least one out of quantum information theory, and the theoretical foundations of quantum theory. Applicants should be able to demonstrate scientific creativity, research independence, and the ability to communicate their ideas effectively in written and verbal form.
The post is based in Egham, Surrey.
Further details and an application form are available to download at or by contacting the Recruitment Team by email: or tel: 01784 414241. Informal enquiries can be directed to Dr Jonathan Barrett, email
Please quote the reference: X0711/6426.
Closing date: 12 noon 26th August 2011
The College is committed to equality and diversity, and encourages applications from all sections of the community.