Application deadline:
Employer web page:
Job type:
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position (1-year duration) in the theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Thermodynamics research group of B. Prasanna Venkatesh at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (India). Please see the following webpage for the official advertisement and more details:
Briefly, applicants should send their applications via e-mail with subject
line Postdoc2019v2-QO-IITGn to B. Prasanna Venkatesh ( The
following documents must be sent as a single pdf attachment to the email:
1. Current CV with list of publications
2. A research plan summarizing previous research work and
future research interests (maximum 2 pages)
3. Name and e-mail addresses of 3 potential referees.
Graduate students who have submitted their thesis but are yet to obtain the degree are also eligible to apply. The stated deadline for the current position is Nov 9, 2019 but we also welcome applications from interested candidates on a rolling basis for other openings.