The physics of quantum information group at the department of physics of the Universite de Sherbrooke invites applications for up to three postdoctoral positions. The group is composed of three faculty members, Alexandre Blais, Michel Pioro-Ladrière and David Poulin, whose research interests cover both theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum information science. The successful applicants will be involved in the group’s activities, which includes:
- Experimental realization of spin qubits in various materials (GaAs, SiGe, NV centers,...)
- Theoretical aspects of superconducting qubits, circuit quantum electrodynamics, quantum limited amplifiers,...
- Quantum information theory including quantum error correction, quantum algorithms design, and numerical methods for many-body problems (PEPS, MPS, DMRG).
but will also be able to pursue their own research agendas. We offer an active and stimulating research environment, enhanced by strong local and international collaborations.
Interested candidates should provide a CV including a list of publications, a brief statement of research interests and should arrange for at least two letters of recommendations to be sent to: qip[dot]postdocs[at]usherbrooke[dot]ca. Applications and letters should be received by December 11, 2009, although later applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.