Postdoctoral researcher in theoretical quantum metrology, Warsaw

Application deadline: 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Job type: 


The Department of Quantum Optics and Atomic Physics at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on a project in the area of theoretical quantum information with a special focus on quantum metrology.

Quantum metrology aims at employing quantum features of light and matter in order to boost sensing capabilities of measuring devices with the most spectacular examples being gravitational wave detectors and atomic clocks. The quantum information group at the University of Warsaw has a substantial experience in analyzing the impact of decoherence on the achievable precision enhancement in realistic quantum metrological scenarios and aims at extending the applicability of the tools developed to multi-parameter metrology as well as quantum communication and quantum computation related models.

The successful applicant will be employed by the University of Warsaw for a one year period with a possibility of extension pending the availability of funds and satisfactory performance. The preferred starting date is 1st of May 2014, but a short delay in taking up the position is possible. The position will be founded by the 7th Framework Programme project SQIS (Simulators and Interfaces with Quantum Systems) and the salary will be competitive at the European level.

Candidates interested in the position are requested to send the CV and ask at least one senior researcher to send a recommendation letter directly to Dr Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański via e-mail at by 28th February 2014.