Professorship in experimental quantum optics and quantum information in Mainz, Germany

Application deadline: 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Job type: 

The Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz invites applications for a professorship in experimental quantum optics and quantum information. Applicants should have a strong scientific record in one of these areas. Collaboration with and complement of existing working groups at Mainz, strengthening of the impact of corresponding research networks with participation from the University of Mainz is expected. Appropriate involvement in teaching in experimental physics is mandatory.
The University is an equal opportunity employer: Applicants with physical disabilities will receive preferential consideration if their qualification and experience are equal to those of other applicants. The Department of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science aims at increasing the percentage of women in academic positions and strongly encourages women scientists to apply.

Qualified candidates are asked to submit their application, including curriculum vitae, list of publications, description of teaching activities, list of successful third party grant applications, outline of current and future research activities not later than 10th Oct. 2011 to the

Dekan des Fachbereichs 08, Physik, Mathematik und Informatik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany