Quantum Information/Technology faculty position at Sejong University, Seoul, Korea

Application deadline: 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Job type: 

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Sejong University, Seoul, Korea, is inviting applications for two tenure-track professor positions at all ranks in the areas of quantum information/technology theory and experiment. These positions will remain open until filled. Successful candidates will be expected to establish externally funded independent research programs and contribute to the advancement of the department.

Applicants must possess a doctoral degree in Physics or a related field and at least one year of post-doctoral experience or equivalent industry experiences and have demonstrated the ability to do pioneering research and the promise of excellence in teaching and mentoring at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

The department currently has 25 full-time faculty members engaged in research across various areas, including nuclear physics, high energy physics, display optics, statistical physics, condensed matter physics, observational astronomy, and astrophysics.

Qualified candidates may apply through https://sjpt.sejong.ac.kr/recruit/ or send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, publication list, and description of a research plan and teaching philosophy to the chair of the department, Prof. Hyunsoo Kim at hyunsookim@sejong.ac.kr. Please arrange for at least two references to be sent directly to Prof. Hyunsoo Kim. The search committee will review applications from January 1, 2024, and continue until the positions are filled. For inquiries or additional information, please contact Prof. Hyunsoo Kim.