Quantum Technologies Fellowships -- York

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Job type: 

The Mathematics department at the University of York would like to encourage and support applicants who wish to apply for a 5 year quantum technologies fellowship to be based here. These are available at both the 'early career' and 'established career' stages. Within the department Paul Busch, Roger Colbeck and Stefan Weigert are pursuing research in quantum information and there is further expertise in York in the Physics and Computer Science departments. More information about our staff and research can be found at

While we are open to applications for any area relevant to the call, we would particularly welcome those whose research interests include quantum key distribution, quantum randomness generation, quantum metrology or related topics.

There are two deadlines for submission of fellowship proposals and fixed start dates:
* 16:00 on 30 October 2014 [Fixed start date of 01 April 2015]
* 16:00 on 29 January 2015 [Fixed start date of 01 July 2015]

Note that certain eligibility criteria apply, further details of which can be found at

If you are interested in this opportunity, please make contact with one of us as soon as possible, and at least 1 month before either deadline.