Research assistant professor, Kyoto University, Japan

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Job type: 

A research assistant professor position of theoretical quantum information science at Quantum Information Unit of Kyoto University will be available starting July 2021 or later.

The research assistant professor will be affiliated with Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University, Japan.

The quantum information group at YITP covers various research topics, such as quantum complexity theory, quantum cryptography, and quantum error-correcting codes.

The appointment period will be until March 31st 2025. (Contract is renewed every year.) Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. degree in subjects related to theoretical quantum information science (such as theoretical physics, mathematics, or computer science, etc.) until the appointment date, and are expected to have ability of conducting high-quality research in theoretical quantum information science, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography. There is no teaching duty, and the research assistant professor can conduct his/her own research in theoretical quantum information science.

The deadline of this application is March 31st 2021, but the reviews of applications will start immediately and continue until the deadline, or until the post is filled, whichever is earlier. Applicants should send
(1) CV
(2) Publication list
(3) Research statement
(4) Contact information of two referees
to qu.21.01[at]

For questions about this position, contact
Prof. Tomoyuki Morimae,
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan