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Job type:
The project is to carry out research on the equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium properties of many-body system, for example cold atomic gases, quantum optical systems or classical colloidal systems. One focus will be on the study of the emergence of correlated states and collective phenomena in the presence of dissipation and/or (coherent) driving.
The researcher will be an integral part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers covering a broad range of topics including statistical physics, condensed-matter theory, computational physics, atomic physics and quantum optics, and soft-matter physics. We seek a motivated, skilled and highly independent researcher with PhD in physics and background in classical and/or quantum many-body systems to complement our team.
The main responsibility of this post will be to carry out independent theoretical research on quantum or classical many-body systems, and to apply and/or develop analytical and numerical methods for exploring their strongly correlated dynamics. The researcher is moreover expected to actively contribute to the research activities of the condensed matter theory group at the School of Physics and Astronomy.
The salary is between £28,695 to £37,394 per annum, depending on skills and experience. Salary progression beyond this scale is subject to performance.
The post commences on or after 1st January 2015.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Juan P. Garrahan (email or Professor Igor Lesanovsky (email Please note that applications sent directly to these email addresses will not be accepted. Applications need to be submitted online through the webpage: