Research Fellowship (Bari, Italy)

Application deadline: 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Job type: 


The Department of Physics of the Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy) is offering a fellowship in quantum information theory, for computing, metrology, and communications.

We welcome applications from candidates interested in any theoretical aspect of quantum information science and technology. Some knowledge of Italian is expected.

Deadline is February 27th, 2023.

The selected candidate will be hired as a fixed-term researcher (3-year, a more senior position than postdoc, with about 60 hours per year of teaching -- in Italian). The research activity will develop within the field of quantum information theory and its applications, in computing, machine learning, metrology, and communications. The researcher will make use of mathematical methods and models, and numerical simulations.

We have active collaborations with national and international partners, including (among others) MIT, Denmark Technical University, University of Bristol, University of Sheffield, Centre for Quantum Technology NUS, Macquarie University Sydney.

The Polytechnic University of Bari values equality and diversity in Academia. We encourage applications from under-represented groups, without distinction of gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, or religion.

Application form

Guidelines for the application:

Feel free to get in touch with prof. Cosmo Lupo for any inquiries and for support in the application process:

Benefits: candidates with at least 2 years of research experience outside of Italy may be eligible for a substantial tax credit.

About us: Bari is a vibrant middle-size city on the South-East Italian coast, an important economic and cultural center in the Mediterranean region. The Polytechnic University of Bari is the third Engineering schools in Italy. The physics department has a long-standing tradition in fundamental and applied research and is one of the most important centers in Italy for theoretical and mathematical physics.