Research Fellowship in Quantum Information

Application deadline: 

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Job type: 

This post, funded by the UK's EPSRC, is required to develop coherent states as a resource in quantum technology. The successful candidate will spend two years at Queen's University Belfast, working with Professor Myungshik Kim on a joint project with Professor Sir Peter Knight at Imperial College and Professor Sougato Bose at University College London.

Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Gleb Gribakin (email:

*Salary scale:* £28,290 - £36,912 per annum (including contribution points)

*Closing date:* 4.00pm, Friday 6 June 2008

Ref: 08/100428

Please visit our website for further information and to apply online at or alternatively contact the Personnel Department, Queen's University Belfast, BT7 1NN. Telephone (028) 90973044 or (028) 90973854 (answering machine). FAX: (028) 90971040 or e-mail on

The University is committed to equality of opportunity and to selection on merit. It therefore welcomes applications from all sections of society and particularly welcomes applications from people with a disability.