Research Scientist or Senior Research Scientist for Quantum Computing

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Job type: 


Seeking a Research Scientist or a Senior Research Scientist (22W16), RIKEN RQC

Research Field and Overview
Our main interest is to propose quantum algorithms such as quantum-classical hybrid algorithms for simulating quantum many-body systems on near-term quantum computers. For this purpose, we also develop our own quantum simulations for quantum computing using classical computers, and use various quantum computers currently available to demonstrate experimentally the proposed quantum algorithms.

For more details, please refer to the following link: Quantum Computational Science Research Team (

Quantum Computational Science Research Team, RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing, (Team Leader: Seiji Yunoki)

Open Positions
Research Scientist or Senior Research Scientist: 1 position

The position at the time of hiring will be determined through the selection process.

Job description
The successful candidate is expected to develop quantum algorithms, including variational quantum algorithms such as quantum-classical hybrid algorithms, for noisy near-term quantum computers, and demonstrate these quantum algorithms using real quantum devices. It is also highly expected to develop quantum simulations for quantum computing using classical computers that include highly parallel supercomputers such as Fugaku. These quantum algorithms are applied to basic science research for quantum many-body systems and also to applied research such as quantum machine learning. These researches are conducted in collaboration with other members in the team and in other teams at the center.

The successful candidate is expected to conduct research and development on topics specified above and to contribute to the management of the laboratory. Senior Research Scientist is also expected to assist the laboratory head.

For applicant registration:
Noon, September 14, 2022 (Japan time).

For revising or uploading application documents and letters of recommendation:
Noon, September 20, 2022 (Japan time).

For more information, please visit the following URL: