Researcher Permanent Position in Theory of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Job type: 

The Institut de Physique Théorique of CEA-Saclay opens a permanent position for a junior researcher in Quantum Physics and Quantum Information, to be filled in 2020. 

This is a CEA researcher position (no teaching duties attached). We are looking for a junior theoretician interested in one or several of the following topics: quantum information; quantum computation, simulation and algorithms, quantum communication and metrology; theory and physics of quantum systems and quantum matter.  We encourage to apply candidates willing to interact and collaborate with experimental groups in quantum technologies.

IPhT has a group of theoretical physicists interested in quantum physics and quantum information, and recently hired a senior researcher in quantum information, Nicolas Sangouard. IPhT form a strong community of researchers working in condensed matter physics, statistical physics and mathematical physics, as well as in high-energy physics, with whom the candidate will have the opportunity to interact. There is also opportunity and incentive to develop contact and collaborations with other experimental groups, of CEA-Paris-Saclay and at CEA-Grenoble, as well as with other groups of Université Paris-Saclay and in Paris.

IPhT is an Institute of the Fundamental Research Division (DRF) of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), and a Common Research Unit (UMR) of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). It pertains to the Université Paris-Saclay (UPSay) and is a member of its Physics and Mathematics Graduate Schools. The research and technological environment of Paris-Saclay as a whole provides an exciting and very stimulating playground for quantum physics.

Portal for application and information:

IPhT web page: