Senior Post-Doc in Napoli

Application deadline: 

Monday, April 24, 2023

Job type: 

The Department of Physics of the University of Napoli Federico II has opened one 3-year RTD-A (Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A, Time determined Researcher - type A) in theoretical physics. This position is equivalent to a non-tenure track assistant professor. A two years extension is in principle possible, depending on funding, but in no way automatic or sure.

The application procedure (in bureaucratic Italian) can be found at

In particular the position 1_PNRR_RTDA_2023_40

And the link for the application (in Italian and English) is

The application deadline is sharp at 15:00 of 24-04-2023

The position is within a national grant founding the National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI) in the Spoke 2 titled QST Theoretical Foundations and Novel Paradigms: Foundations and architectures for quantum sensing, metrology, novel materials and sustainability.

We are looking for a top early-career researcher in the fields of Theoretical Quantum Physics, Quantum Information, or Quantum computing. These include but are not limited to the areas of quantum thermodynamics, quantum control, quantum metrology, theory of decoherence, quantum error correction, quantum complex networks, theory of entanglement. The successful candidate will be expected to collaborate with Prof. A. Hamma ( and the other members of the Theory Group: Prof. F. Lizzi (, Prof. P. Vitale (!/professor/50415452495a4941564954414c4556...), Dr. Maxim Kurkov, Dr. Goffredo Chirco and usually one or two post-docs and a few graduate students.

The targets of the whole project are the investigation, characterization and design of driven-dissipative complex many body systems for quantum simulation, quantum sensing, and energy and information storage and transport. The successful candidate is expected to work on the fundamental quantum aspects related to the main aim of the project. As usual collaboration with the other aspects of the research of the group is very much encouraged.

The successful candidate is expected to start at the beginning of July 2023. There is a teaching load of up to 60 hours per year. The position comes with a start-up grant that can be used also for relocation expenses.

The University of Napoli, founded in 1224, is the oldest public non-sectarian university in the world. The city of Napoli offers an enormous number of cultural activities and sightseeing opportunities, and a very lively lifestyle.

The Theoretical Physics Group is active in the fields of Quantum Information, Quantum Gravity and Noncommutative Geometry, Mathematical Methods, Emergence of Space-Time and Geometric approaches to field theory:

The Department has a wide spectrum of research interests in several field of physics. In particular we have active groups in phenomenological aspects of quantum gravity, astroparticle theory, phenomenology, statistical mechanics...

Please feel free to forward this email to potential candidates. For further information you may contact me at

A doctorate is required. The applicants who do not hold an Italian doctorate can apply provided they have asked for the equivalence of their title with an Italian one. The instructions (in Italian) are on: