Spin-photon quantum interfaces in hybrid materials

Research group: 

Job type: 

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


The group "Crystals and Quantum State Dynamics" (www.cqsd.fr) at IRCP (Chimie ParisTech/CNRS/PSL University), led by Dr. Philippe Goldner, is internationally recognized for developing rare earth doped crystals for applications in quantum technologies. These materials show unique properties in the solid-state in terms of long optical and spin coherence lifetimes, and are thus among the most promising materials for building light-matter interfaces at the quantum level. These systems raise a strong interest in a variety of quantum technologies, like quantum communications, processing and microwave to optics transduction. To meet the stringent demands of these applications, we develop rare earth doped materials in the form of bulk single crystals, nanoparticles as well as thin films thanks to extensive capabilities in material growth and processing, together with optical and spin quantum state characterization. In these innovative quantum grade crystals, we investigate methods and protocols to further control quantum states and use them for a broad range of technologies. More recently, we have also initiated activities surrounding the creation and spectroscopic characterization of color centers in diamond that constitute an alternative and complementary material system for quantum technologies.

We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher (2 years plus potential extension) in the framework of the ERC Advanced Grant "RareDiamond" where novel functionalities will be demonstrated in hybrid materials combining diamond color centers and rare earth ions. The work will focus on the development of quantum light-spin interfaces. It will involve low temperature and high resolution optical and spin spectroscopy, study of quantum state dynamics and spin-photon coherence transfer. The planned starting date is June/July 2022 with flexibility.

The candidates should have a strong interest and background in material science or condensed matter physics, including skills in optical or microwave spectroscopy.
Applications can be sent through an online system: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR8247-PHIGOL-011/Default.aspx?lang=EN
Please include two contacts that could provide a reference letter.
Contcat: Philippe Goldner, philippe.goldner@chimieparistech.psl.eu.