Dissipative Quantum Many Body Systems

Application deadline: 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Postdoctoral Positions in “Quantum optics and quantum many-body effects”

The positions are within a CQT research project led by Dimitris Angelakis in the Centre for Quantum Technologies Singapore. We are looking for highly motivated candidates who preferably have a strong research background in theoretical quantum optics. Exceptional candidates from condensed matter theory (especially from strongly correlated and/or topological quantum systems) and quantum information theory will also be considered.

The group "Matemáticas e Información Cuántica" started in 2006 with the aim of exploiting the relations between Mathematics and Quantum Information. Currently it is formed by 2 senior members, 7 postdocs and 3 PhD students.
Concerning financial support, the group has now a grant from Plan Nacional de I+D, one European Grant and one grant from Comunidad de Madrid.

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