Ion trap

Application deadline: 

Monday, May 30, 2022

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc for the quantum information experimental research with trapped-ion systems.

We have two research topics (with supporting grants);
- An efficient ion-photon interface for quantum network
- A full-stack trapped-ion based quantum computing system with up to 5 qubits.

Proven expertise in AMO experiments and/or embedded systems will be valued.

If you're interested, please send me your CV and Statement of Research to

Looking for fresh phd or experienced post-doctoral fellow to work in an experimental ion trap group having diverse projects. The candidates will be working on ion trap based quantum thermodynamics and quantum synchronization (2 separate position). The ion trap experiment is presently up and running (please consult the webpage for more information). Both the projects are adequately funded for next 3-4 years. The group is young and vibrant with international composition in the cosmopolitan setup of Singapore.

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