#professorship #quantum technologies

UKZN is establishing a Centre for Quantum Computing and Technology with an emphasis on use cases for quantum computing and creating Quantum Key Distribution and quantum imaging devices.

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Université de Sherbrooke invites applications for a regular junior or senior professor in experimental or theoretical quantum information. This is a full-time regular position in the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Science.

The Department of Physics at the Université de Sherbrooke specializes in quantum information and quantum materials, both in their experimental and theoretical aspects. The professors of the Department of Physics are members of the Institut quantique, a research institute with close to 40 professors from the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Humanities and the School of Management, 25 technical and professional staff members, and over 200 students.

Application deadline: 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland is conducting an open search for an endowed Chair position in the field of Experimental Quantum Technologies. The post and likely associated appointments are in support of our vision to enhance our vibrant environment translating quantum physics from basic research through interdisciplinary technology development to disruptive industrial applications.

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